Why Our Patients Love Invisalign

If you are located in or near Fort Mill and you are considering Invisalign treatment, has extensive experience with this popular method of orthodontic correction.

The team at Luck Family Dental is very familiar with the benefits of Invisalign, and these are just a few reason that so many of our patients choose this innovative orthodontic treatment:

1. Faster Treatment Times

One of the reasons that so many patients at choose Invisalign is that, in most cases, it much faster than traditional braces. Invisalign usually requires about 20-24 sets of aligners. Each set is worn for about 2 weeks, so the average treatment time is under a year.

In contrast, metal braces usually must be worn for a minimum of 18 months, and some treatments require up to 3 years of wear. Faster treatment times make Invisalign more convenient for eligible patients.

2. Subtle, Invisible Treatment

Invisalign is particularly popular among young adults and professionals because it’s almost completely invisible to the naked eye. Invisalign can be worn just about anywhere, and with the thin, clear plastic aligners, nobody needs to know that you are undergoing orthodontic treatment.

3. No Food Restrictions

You can eat whatever you want while undergoing Invisalign treatment. Just take your aligners out, eat your meal or snack, clean your teeth, rinse off your aligners, and pop them back in. Whether you love soft candies, popcorn, or caramels, there are no restrictions when it comes to food or beverages.

The main thing to be aware of is that you’ll need to wear your aligners for at least 22 hours per day for the best results. So, while you can eat whatever you want, make sure ensure you enjoy them in a timely fashion and wear your aligners as instructed by Dr. Luck.

4. Better Oral Hygiene

Invisalign must be removed for brushing and flossing. There are no brackets, wires, rubber bands, or other objects that can obstruct proper oral hygiene, making Invisalign convenient, and allowing you to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

5. Less Time In The Dentist’s Chair

You don’t have to come in for regular tightenings when you wear Invisalign. Just come in every 6 weeks for a few new sets of aligners from your Fort Mill family dentist, and undergo a quick exam to ensure your treatment is progressing properly. Avoiding adjustments of wires and brackets means that you’ll spend less time in the dentist’s chair.

Is Invisalign Right For You? Find Out Now!

If you have minor-to-moderate orthodontic issues in Fort Mill, Invisalign from Dr. Luck may be the best choice for you. With Invisalign, you can straighten your smile quickly and easily, and avoid the stigma and discomfort of braces.

Want to see some of our past results? Check out some of our reviews and patient testimonials to hear success stories from past patients. Ready to get started? Get a consultation now by contacting us at (803) 548-6370, or drop by our office at 342 Patricia Lane, Suite 101, Fort Mill, SC 29708.

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